August 10, 2012

Fortune Telling with a Key

Here's an exciting word for today: cleidomancy. It means using a key to predict the future. If any reader is studying for their SATs, remember that word. It might be on the test!

Cleidomancy originated in Europe, and was practiced here in early New England. Reverend Increase Mather, the father of Cotton Mather, fulminated against it in his book Angelographia, saying cleidomancy and other forms of fortune-telling had invited evil spirits into the colony.

For all I know cleidomancy may still be practiced here, but I think in our modern consumer society New Englanders are more likely to use something designed specifically for divination like Tarot cards or the I Ching rather than a key. If you're feeling folksy or are broke, though, cleidomancy is pretty easy.

We don't know exactly how early New Englanders did it but here is what modern practitioners suggest. Tie a piece of thread to the loop of a key, and dangle the key from your hand. Ask the question you want to know, such as "Will I marry Joe?" or "Did Sheila steal my iPhone at yoga class?" If the key starts to move, you have the answer to your question. Cleidomancy works best with yes/no questions. Lots of modern psychics and witches use small crystal pendulums to tell the future, and this is basically the same.

Now here's another exciting word: bibliomantic cleidomancy, which means using a book AND a key to predict the future. I don't think that will be on the SAT, but you never know. Ask your key.

Again, we know bibliomantic cleidomancy was practiced in New England because a Puritan minister preached against it. Deodat Lawson delivered a sermon at Salem in 1692 titled Christ's Fidelity the Only Shield Against Satan's Malignity, where he condemned people who use "the Bible and Key" to tell the future. (Please note bibliomancy does not require you to use the Bible - any large dense book will do - but it was the most common book in Puritan New England.)

I was a little puzzled by how you might use both a Bible and a key, but I found some interesting instructions from the Association of Independent Rootworkers and Readers (AIRR), a group for traditional folk magic practitioners. Early New Englanders may not have followed these exact same procedures, but probably did something very similar. 

You need a big key for this, like a skeleton key. Find a passage in the Bible that relates to your question. For example, if you're curious about who you will marry, open the passage in the Book of Ruth that reads "Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live." Put your key on that page, with the loop protruding over the top of the Bible. Close the Bible and then wrap it up with string or ribbon (if you're feeling fancy). You should be able to hold your wrapped Bible by the key loop sticking out the top. 

Holding the key with two fingers, begin to ask your questions. For example, "Will I marry John? Will I marry George? Will I marry Sebastian?" You have your answer when the Bible turns or it falls off the key. Bibliomantic cleidomancy works best with multiple choice questions. 

I have to wonder if Tony and I did this correctly, though, since the Bible barely stayed on the key at all. Perhaps we were supposed to hold out the Bible horizontally? That doesn't seem correct either, though, since the instructions say two people should grasp the key using their pinky fingers. According to the AIRR site, children are supposed to be particularly good at using the key and Bible since their hearts are pure. Perhaps when you hit middle age there's not enough purity left to do this right.

If anyone knows the correct way to do this please let me know! I won't ask how pure your heart is.


Lori Baus Pratt said...
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Lori Baus Pratt said...

My mother taught me how to do this, but instead of using a key in her bible, she used a pair of metal scissors. And her method requires two people...each using their index finger to hold up one loop of the scissors handle. I have no idea how she came by this fortune-telling method, and until now, she is the only person i've ever heard of doing it.

Peter Muise said...

Thanks for comment Pink Libra!

Using scissors definitely makes sense. Even the skeleton key was too small, and I have seen instructions mentioning two people. Perhaps keys in the past were REALLY big, like the size of scissors?

What state was your mother from?

gloria said...

I am not from the states I live in Wales U.K, but as a child I remember my mother and her sisters used to use the key and bible for fortune telling, it was a popular method and of course the playing cards.

Peter Muise said...

Very cool Gloria! Do you remember how large the key was? We had trouble keeping the key in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

My mothers father had an old bible, a skeleton key was set on a specific verse in the bible. The loop of the key stuck out of the side of the bible and was bound in string VERY tightly. So tight it will not move. Pinky fingers of two people were needed. He would recite the verse in the bible which the key was on and ask the bible a yes or no question.

Anonymous said...

Peter....was hoping you would have a comment on the post by Anonymous

Fortune Telling UK said...

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post. I really like the information which you have shared in your post about the fortune telling. Fortune telling is more than crystal balls and palm reading. Throughout the world there are many variations on fortune telling in existence and many people seek out their fortunes to help with major life altering decisions and choices.

Unknown said...

There is a description of this in Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. Bathsheba Everdene uses the ritual to foresee who her future husband will be.

Unknown said...

I was getting bore since morning but as soon as I got this link & reached at this blog, I turned into fresh and also joyful too.Topaz Voyance

Anonymous said...

My mom and I used to do this using a skeleton key. She would loop string through the key and around the Bible horizontally, and she always put the key on Psalms 23. She would recite the verse before asking a question. Wow, I haven't done that in years! Now I want to try it again!

Peter Muise said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. It's nice to hear that this is still being practiced. To the last commenter (on February 10): was the question considered answered when the Bible fell off the key?

CommunityCollaborator said...

This practice is also common in the Caribbean and South American regions. I remember it being used to find out who stole from them.

LadySupersonic said...

Do not try to get the answer from Far From The Madding Crowd book as that is what brought me here. But you might need to use a bigger key, like old gate one. Also you probably didn't tight the book enough (or have been given the answer straight away :)). Lastly, there's a new video on Youtube showing the practice quite closely and it's actually quite wicked!

99 said...

Hello do you remember the bible verse

Amy Beth said...

I have my great grandmother's bible, skeleton key is horizontal in the bible and the Bible is tied very tight, this one is at least 90 years the key is starting to work it way out, so I need to make a new one.
Hope this helps

Amy Beth said...

I have my great grandmother's bible, skeleton key is horizontal in the bible and the Bible is tied very tight, this one is at least 90 years the key is starting to work it way out, so I need to make a new one.
Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

I hope no one is trying to use this method because there's a lot of danger in it. Any bible can be used along with any key. But the bible should certainly not be bound in any way. How can the book of truth answer if it is bound? That leaves the falsehoods of the deceiver to be read. The book is to be held by one of pure heart the key tucked in the appropriate verse with the bow of the key showing. If the answer is yes the key turns (in the book) clockwise, if no counter clockwise. Attempting such things without understanding them invites evil which can be difficult to get rid of once invited.

DEE said...

thanks to you @cue606... the evil thing you mentioned is what i wanted to hear...and your own description is cool too....can you please further explain to me...or write to my box.. here: thanks

Unknown said...

Can I use this method of furtune telling to trade Forex ? to know if the market wiil drop or rise.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

We did this as a kid. My Mom taught me. The string ran through the key and the Bible was held in landscape position. The key marked the "as I walk through the valley" page. (I'm very obviously not religious or I could tell you which verse that is) Set the book up on its spine and then two people are required to each put a tip of their index finger under opposite side of the fat part of the key. Since the string is wrapped around the Bible and through the hole in the key tightly enough to keep it between the pages, it doesn't fall. The fortune teller repeats the verse as the other person thinks of the yes or no question they want an answer to. If the Bible twists the answer is yes.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing this with my mother and later with friends. My mother would recite, "Ruth ,Ruth, tell the truth and turn the key in the bible" before asking questions. We also would use the key on a string as a pendulum to answer questions. This post has taken me back in time and brought back many memories 😁❤️

Kelly said...

My great Grandmother used a bible & key, tied in as already mentioned, read a verse out of the bible (which to this day I'm not sure of) followed by....... 'if A is my husbands name to be, turn bible turn key'........then you repeat every letter of the alphabet until you reach your future husbands/wife's initial, at that point the key will turn & the bible falls to the ground. My Great Grandmother showed my nan how to do this & then she did this for me & believe me it works!!! And yes I am married to the initials KS.......its rather spooky but amazing at the same time!

Unknown said...

Gud day to you all please i want to know if any one here has found out the right way to use the bible and key to fortune tell now and the verse of the bible he used ?

Unknown said...

mr david babawale i will also like to connect with you

hschroeder said...

@kelly .. Hi my grandmother from the uk did this and yes it does work! I am wonder if u could be a cousin from across the pond?

hschroeder said...

kelly .. Hi my grandmother from the uk did this and yes it does work! I am wonder if u could be a cousin from across the pond?

freedom1 said...

Hi i have looked for this for grandmother taught me this as a kid. We used Ruth and scissors...the bible is horizontal and you have to wrap twin around the scissors and the bible and ask a question and recite was handed down through my family..i am so glad i am not the only one that knows this.

Unknown said...

I am from the Caribbean and had a helper who did this but only when my parents were not at home. My father was a police officer and would have arrested her for practicing Obeah. She would shut her room door so I had to peep through the keyhole in the early days but one day she caught me and started doing it openly. I remember her always starting by reading Exodus 20 then she would place the key in the Bible at that page and tie the Bible with strings or a cloth dress belt. She then held the top of the key between both index fingers and then recited "By St. Peter, by St.Paul, by the true and living God is..." whatever the question was. Most times it was about Frank her husband. He was a farmworker in the USA and she wanted to know if he was being faithful.A clockwise turn of the Bible on the key meant yes and anticlockwise meant no. I thought it was so funny and did not tell my parents until after her funeral many years later. She was very nice and I did not want her to be sent away. I often wondered just how many Bibles she bought in her lifetime as that practice destroyed the cover and the pages before and after Exodus 20. She could not take those Bibles to church as everyone would know what she did.

Unknown said...

I am from the Caribbean and had a helper who did this but only when my parents were not at home. My father was a police officer and would have arrested her for practicing Obeah. She would shut her room door so I had to peep through the keyhole in the early days but one day she caught me and started doing it openly. I remember her always starting by reading Exodus 20 then she would place the key in the Bible at that page and tie the Bible with strings or a cloth dress belt. She then held the top of the key between both index fingers and then recited "By St. Peter, by St.Paul, by the true and living God is..." whatever the question was. Most times it was about Frank her husband. He was a farmworker in the USA and she wanted to know if he was being faithful.A clockwise turn of the Bible on the key meant yes and anticlockwise meant no. I thought it was so funny and did not tell my parents until after her funeral many years later. She was very nice and I did not want her to be sent away. I often wondered just how many Bibles she bought in her lifetime as that practice destroyed the cover and the pages before and after Exodus 20. She could not take those Bibles to church as everyone would know what she did.

Anonymous said...

We still have our family bible and key.Ours as been passed down only to the girl's.Me and my mum was using it tonight.I think it's very clever.There is a old church key in our one it looks like it goes in the middle of the Bible with string wrapped around the neck of the key.We use our index fingers.You can feel the weight of it as it goes to turn.

Unknown said...

i have seen this before but i don't know how to do it. please can anyone teach me..martinovalyt(at)

Unknown said...

This really works ...we have caught my grandfather out by using this method

Unknown said...

Someone taught me the same with the scissors.

Unknown said...

Can anyone show me how it's done ,and how often it should be done .my email address

Unknown said...

Was looking for a way to get the answer to a yes or no question by divination when I stumbled on this,would love to know how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unknown said...

Is there any prayer you have to pray before you ask ye or no question?

Unknown said...

This is lovely to note about.

Unknown said...

This is lovely to note about.

mike said...

someone pls teach me this. ill really appreciate. inbox me

Ayo Victor said...

Good day, I will love to connect with you can reach me on my social media account
Twitter: @Ayovictor94

Unknown said...

I am really interested in what is being shared about the key and bible. I recently visited a Pastor friend and he used the bible and the after asking him as few questions(consultation). I really felt guilty as a Christian doing this because I feel it's against my faith. Though it seems to work but I feel there is a part of divination. He told me it's a practice in Isreal.
He further explained that every verse of the bible need a key for activation in the spiritual realm before the manifestation in the physical.
This made me reference in the book of Isaiah 22, where it mentions about the keys of David. This was my first time seeing this act. Will give much details later....

Unknown said...

I have spent a lot of time trying to find how I can use the key and the bible to ask some questions,but I found nothing good. If anyone can direct me how I can use the key and the bible like I will appreciate a lot. My gmail

Unknown said...

Hello please am interested to know how to practice this and have tried but can't do it any help

Unknown said...

This is wickedness and witchcraft. Flee from this. It will bring satanic possession upon you. Do not mix light and darkness.

Anonymous said...

The verse in the Bible to where we were told by my mother was, Psalms 23 and the two people sit across from each other using their middle finger to hold the key. As described above, placing the end of the key on the verse in the Bible. We used twine string. Psalms 23 verses 1 up to "He restorer my soul" is quoted then person asks if it's the Lords Will for them to know, then ask the question. If the answer is "yes" the Bible will turn and if "no", it won't turn.
Questions that we asked were "true". We were told to not ask trivial questions. Ask only questions for pure "truth".
This was shared with me over 40-50 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Typo correction, that's "restoreth", not restorer.

Unknown said...

Whats the quotation pls

Unknown said...

Pls i want to learn this..people steal from me a lot..thnks

Unknown said...

Please I want someone to show me how it is done please

Unknown said...

In which verse should we have to place the scissors and should we have to recite the verse? Does the scissor need to be blessed before placing in the Bible?

Unknown said...

Please can I no the version

Unknown said...

What vers is use in doing this and how many times must one recite

PHIL said...

The bible and key trick is used in JAMAICA to know a thief who stole something

Marly Youmans said...

I had no idea that this folk conjuration was still practiced, and so widely. Interesting.

The Lori Baus Pratt and freedom1 comments appear to describe a practice that is midway between or a hybrid between two old modes of divination, "key and book" and "scissors and sieve," widespread centuries ago. One of the godly aka Puritans would tell you never to fool with such things, of course...

Unknown said...

Hello please am interested to know how to practice this any help kindly send it to

Unknown said...

Please can someone email me the Bible verse which is use for this practice?

Unknown said...

Does anyone know the exact verse and what to do before

Anonymous said...

I have found the two techniques, key and book (using the Hours of Our Lady) and scissors and sieve, in the records of the Portuguese Inquisition from the 1590s. The 2 go back to medieval Iberia in this case.

Unknown said...

Want to know it well

Unknown said...

Can u teach me well

Unknown said...

Hi! My name is Selete from Ghana. I have some problems I need answers to. Please, I need help with how to use the bible and key for answers.
God bless you.

Unknown said...

Do u remember the quotation they use

Voyance said...

To know more about your future, you should visit a good website of fortune telling that covers all the subjects related to the future prediction's : astrology, numerology and clairvoyance will help you to obtain the answers to the important questions you may have.

Unknown said...

Pls teach me

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hschroeder said...

Hello my grandmother weeks did this

Unknown said...

Its practised in many west indian countries (islands)

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Anonymous said...

A neighbor taught this to my mom. The neighbor learned it from another neighbor. All women. I learned about it from my mom when I found a key tied to a bible in the wardrobe and questioned my mom about it when I was a teen. I am now 41 years old. It is shocking reading here that this was taught to people by their mothers or grand mothers.

We lived in an apartment block, and still do. For years, this lazy,cowardly, foolish practice has caused depression, confusion, isolation, anger and hatred without just cause, increased gossip, incressed slander, backbiting, unkindness, lack of compassion, lack of trust, lack of patience, lack of responsibility and accountability, cowardice and especially lack of knowledge, understanding and wisdom (read ignorance/stupidity), amongst ALL of the neighbors AND their children and extended families. People have even died without knowing what any real truth about a matter was.

One common trait amongst all people who practice this is that they are not noble students. They infect hate, actually studying the bible to know what the will of GOD is, because it's easier to put a key in a book ask a question and tell yourself GOD will now to your will and way of doing things. These people are so blind that they cannot see that they try to set themselves above GOD's actual methods of finding out the truth. E.g. witnesses and evidence based convictions. Absolutely NOTHING about putting a key in a book asking a question and waiting for it to turn then telling yourself or others, that it is YHWH answering. The fact that people have are placing a key in the Bible and asking which scripture to place it on, and asking if it is GOD's will, is evidence that no such instruction or GOD exists. Because no such scripture exists. There is a scripture however against the practice of divination and a ton of scriptures about the curses of GOD that will overtake people and their families if they disobey GOD's laws (Will). Including inflammations, anxiety, and illnesses not mentioned in the book, among other things like the change in character and values of spouses.

Finding out the truth requires the heart of actual peacemakers operating according to the Laws of GOD. E.g. bringing people together, locating and examining the witnesses of any claims, asking the impartial unbiased questions whether rich or poor, examining the evidence. Making impartial judgments. Based on the laws of GOD. These require first confronting our own fears, cowardice, biases, partiality, hatred, unkindness, want of excluding people without JUST cause.

Astrologer Rishi said...
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Efreeder said...
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PandithSuresh said...

It was great information and very useful.
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kj said...

I came here from Far from the Madding Crowd by Hardy as well. In the Oxford edition, I found a note that points toward a (roughly) contemporary illustration. Here's the URL for it:

In it, it looks like they've put the key in the binding and aren't concerned about the book falling off the key but rather the direction in which the book might sway in response to the questions they put to it.

Hard to envision, but that illustration is one possibility.



Unknown said...

I'm interested in this. Anybody with reliable information and procedures on how to do this should please help. Is urgent please

Unknown said... is my Gmail. Kindly drop me the information on how to use it.

Unknown said...

They won't tell you

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Unknown said...

Can someone help me how we go about this?

Anonymous said...

My mother tried the same trick once, all I remember was that she put the key at a specific page in the bible(I can’t remember which page), then we used two fingers to hold the key, much like shown in the image above but different. After that we chanted “By Saint Peter, by Saint Paul” then asked the question and said “spin”. We likely never needed to say spin or the first part though.

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Anonymous said...

This is not standard Christian habit. Would’ve Yh ou agree?

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Chief Adex +2348089922575 said...

We use just our local broom to ask anything we want, I also know about the bible and the key too..but I don't remember the bible verse we normally put the key but I know it was book of job...but now you can open your 3rd eye with ease and be talking about the future now

James said...

It really work but we don't do ours horizontal here we do it vertical

Ifadounougbo said...

I can help you out using the bible to ask about future. I'm a spiritual Healer too... Kindly get back to me

Anonymous said...

I need help please

Your what's number

Anonymous said...

How do i block my name from it

Anonymous said...

How do i block my name from the key and bible magic

Anonymous said...

I know how to do Bible key very well I was born and raised in Jamaica we use it whenever anyone lies or steals

Anonymous said...

Depending on what key you use

Anonymous said...

Yeah just do it over but Don't lose the chapter it was on

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Anonymous said...

Please show me the use of a bible and the key

Anonymous said...

Please, Someone should show me how to use bible and the key my. My email address

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rjh said...

Interesting, but rather worrying that some people seem to be taking it seriously! Really guys? Try googling ideomotor reponse.

rjh said...
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rjh said...

"Ashley johnson SEO" WTF has this to do with Fortune Telling with a Key? Or (heaven forfend) are you just another selfish spammer pushing his message without regard for others?

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Anonymous said...

Everything is witchcraft to you people you don't even know your Bible

Anonymous said...

That has nothing to donwith the practice it's just a trait of black chritians because yall naturally hateful it's a remnant from slavery because I know alot of ppl who aren't chrtians and have used it to improve their lives

Anonymous said...

You'll find an interesting explanation of this trick/phenomena in a magician book called "Body Magic" from John Fisher page 102